The Petsmart guy gave me a free fish magazine

Nov 24, 2012 00:00

Plotting my next fish tank. It's years in the future, so it can be as big or as little as I want it to be.

Tiger barbs are a must.
Cherry barbs I've had my eye on for so long. Should I commit? I don't eye them with longing the way I do with tigers.
Bloodfin tetras for a little bling in the tank.

Of course I also want a fancy goldfish. Do I want multiple goldies in one tank? One 20-gallon of one goldie? A goldie and a school of bloodfins (all my research has shown that bloodfins are one of the few species that can tolerate and be tolerated by goldfish).


9 tiger barbs (3 green, 3 albino, 3 original)
9 cherry barbs (1m:2f)
9 bloodfin tetras (because there's 9 of the others)

Going by the one-inch-per-gallon rule, which really only applies to schooling fish, that's...a 60 gallon tank. Well, 58, but I'm not that picky.

I could go crazy and get a 75 gallon tank, and put a fourth kind of fish in there. Corydoras or plecostamus, probably. Can you imagine some cories in that tank? It's gonna be so friggin lively in there!

And then a twenty-gallon for a little fancy goldfish. Dress it up nice, put two filters in there, make the fish feel at home.

And of course James' 37 gallon, but last I heard we were putting cichlids in there.

Also, this is important: Josh Fruhlinger made a post on facebook. I commented. He replied to my comment! I had an almost-discussion with the Comics Curmudgeon! *swoon*

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

fish, comix, via ljapp

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