Okay. I have the interview tomorrow. I've applied to Books-A-Million and to a hotel somewhere. Not entirely sure where. Crystal City? That's on a metro line I think.
Okay. Correspondence. This is from mid-December, in response to
this page. Did I mention that I very, very rarely email Chris Hastings? He is my very favorite web cartoonist.
I feel silly, but I want to make a t-shirt request. That panel of Gordito kicking his heels is awesome. It would make a great t-shirt! I'd buy it.
Kelsey Silver
Long-time fan
A week later, he replied:
Haha, thanks for the suggestion, Kelsey! I'm afraid I haven't heard from anyone else about it, so it probably won't get made. :\ T-shirts are tough these days!
I was more frothing with glee that he replied to my email zomg than I was disappointed that the t-shirt wouldn't get made. Besides, he's so nice! What a nice way to say no.
Also after I had applied for BAM and whatever hotel it was that I applied for, I looked into volunteering at Mount Vernon, and discovered that the first step is sending an email letting them know that you exist and that you're interested.
My name is Kelsey Silver, and I am a history major at George Mason University. I am interested in doing some regular volunteer work, getting involved in different aspects of historical study, and would like to know if you have any opportunities available. I have experience in theater, customer service/retail, hospitality, and administration.
Please let me know,
Kelsey Silver
[cell number]
[email address]
Oh my gosh I sound like a ROBOT. But they will probably respond! Hopefully in the affirmative! Also holy crap I've had a lot of different jobs.