In two or three years, after I graduate and get a full-time job, James and I are going to live together. Possibly even as people married to each other, but anyway, we discuss it a lot. We want to get a townhouse, because we have too many in-tank animals to keep them in just a small apartment. I've been trying to think of ways to save space with them anyway, because even townhouses have limited space.
The most obvious thing to do is move my two twenty-gallon tanks into one forty-gallon tank, because one 36x18-tank is smaller than a 24x12 and a 30x12 tank. Less outlets being used, too.
Another thing to do is to stack Slinky and Sonny's tank.
(doing research for a picture has lead me to discover that my hairstyle is referred to as a "stacked bob." Huh. Also, I need to get my hair trimmed.)
Anyway, the result would be something like this. The best part is that they would never need to see each other, thus, less territory issues between our two fierce predators. Also in this scenario I would move Sonny to a 40-gallon tank as well.
I also find myself imagining that, uh, should one of the tanks become, how you say, available, by the, well, not-unexpected loss of the occupant, we could consider, uhm, replacing the occupant? With a rodent? Or several? Because a forty-gallon tank can hold eight mice, or one or two rats. Uh.
Also, staying with James a few days a week has had exactly the results I expected: I'm getting up sooner, I'm spending less time driving, I can use his internet at will to completely my Digital IT homework. I'm still of the opinion that taking Friday courses and 9:00AM courses are terrible, terrible, terrible ideas, though.