Jul 07, 2004 06:29
Ugh...Had a crazy night at work last night. Debbie came up to me and asked me..."Do you believe in psychics?" My boss, Carol , chuckled a bit and kinda made the "Duh!" face. Well, Debbie's been around when I've broken in decks before, so I think she was just having a brain fart. Anyway, just after midnight, Klint calls over the radio to inform Carol that the tire has popped on our outerplant vehicle...the Venture. Then I got called for a weld permit.....and the scooter DIES on the way. I mean, I finally got off and pushed this thing faster than it was going. Then, she comes by and says it's working...I tell her no, it isn't. She tries it again and, guess what, it won't budge. So she takes her scooter and pushes me back to base....on the way, she realizes her scooter is dying , too. We made it back to base, and said' "Hmmm, maybe we're not even meant to leave the office tonight!" Come to find out the outlets that we plug our scooters in are dead. No power to them at all. So we found other outlets and got the scooters plugged in...problem solved. So, I took the ambulance on my tour at 3. Well, Pete(Fire Chief) and Chris(Training Supervisor) come in. We had a drill for a medical. We didn't do so badly....but I did have to take our industrial carts/vehicles class...Normally, they do this on overtime but, no, Chief Zaccaro says noway. So, ten till six I finally get a chance to breathe. What a night. I am so looking forward to seeing Jaysen this morning, before he goes off to work. The turkey called me as I was walking out the door last night. I love that man so much. Well, I think that is all for now....Jaysen should be here soon...CIAO!