Jun 11, 2004 12:53
I wonder how I'm going to survive the summer. Jaysen and I are actually planning on going Karaoke tonight and I'm hoping my parents' don't come up with plans the last minute. I REALLY miss Big Daddy J, Miss V, and , of course, Jeff. Jaysen's mentioned J a lot lately. He seems to admire how J's embraced the "Big Daddy" part. He sees J as having a lot of confidence and very little concern for his body image....Hmmmm.... I want to dress sexy tonight. Is it possible? I shall try. I wonder what Miss V is wearing....she always looks so... well, awesome with a flair of her personality that just works. She could probably pull off wearing a burlap sack (probably because she'd couple it with kitty ears and really funky shoes.)I think I shall wear my new dress. Yeah. I feel like roses. CIAO!