Sep 01, 2007 10:00
so today is a new type of duty day. Back to reactor phone watch>.>; turns out they don't like people that are mentally unstable down in the plant.
I just got back from watching Bad Boy Bill spin at the NorVa. Was a good chance to get out and spend time with a couple of new friends. And who would have thought that quite little Ashley would be dancing more then me. I havn't seen so much energy come out of a sober person in quite sometime^-^b.
I Had duty today {the day after the party} and first watch no-less ; ; so i'm dead tired and feeling kinda sick off this Zoloft i've been newly put on. Zoloft is an interesting drug. I can feel it regulating me. its odd not being able to feel the extremes that i've grown used to. For instance. i'm all hyped up on friday about Bad Boy Bill. but then saw someone stole the 80$ in my i could feel myself trying to be upset about it, but nope. i just let it pass by and pulled out more money on the way to the party. The only problem i've found with it: 8-10 hours after taking it -> i get these piercing migraines.
On an interesting side-note. the new officer studying in the back room is lising to Seven Ways by Paul Van Dyke... good cd.
Though i'll have more time coming up, its no here yet. I attend what i can, when i can, and hopefully people see that.
as of the update... WTF sam is broken beyond all hell. 1500 gekkos in make shift gear on KB? and that was sub war. >.> i'd love to see how the apoc drk's are feeling right now.
my thoughts: they need to add rare ex grips asap! and hopefully thf didn't fall to far behind in the DD world. Secondly Cor go buffed too far, i know hey can' hit thier lucky number evey time, they can't even hit the average number all the time. BUT COMMON!!!! they have damn decent offencive capabilitys, hey have no casting time to thier songs, and now thier songs are moe powerful? thier chaos roll was already over powered. and a lucky roll evokers was already more powerfull then both ballads. all in all they gave brds a back line and cor's a front line. though i'm ok with that in a sence. but thier insta shot is 1m recast >.> I jus don't like being on par with another job, call me old fasioned but brd's were always thier own catagory, and now CORs are better at songs, and have offencive capabilitys.-> beat out by a hybrid, somethings wrong.
and lastly -> i hit 57/60 M.Silvers... almost to my millenium horn.