Fic rec: (so maybe we're a bliss of another kind) - Sherlcok band!AU

May 14, 2012 22:26

Um, holy shit, it's a Sherlock band AU.  A really fucking excellent one.  AND IT'S GEN.

(so maybe we're a bliss of another kind), by Lady Paperclip (paperclipbitch)
Sherlock BBC
gen, band!AU, PG-13

Usually I'm all slash all the time with fanfic, because even if a fic is disappointingly mediocre, at least I get my slash itch scratched.  When a gen story is mediocre, I just get bored.

Please, then, take it as a testament to this fic's quality that I was utterly fucking riveted the entire time, and was dying for more at the end. The characters are well fleshed-out, nuanced, complex, and incredibly fucked up in a literary way. (Rather than a gratuitous fanfic way. Yes, you know exactly what I mean.) Each character is a convincing extrapolation of his/her essence from the original TV series into a totally different AU setting, a rare and awesome thing.

Some of the lines in this story are so beautiful I had to sit back and savor them for a moment before continuing to read.  I'm thinking specifically about a few places where the author sums up her Moriarty - and the fact that she's dealing with Moriarty when she floors me is especially amazing. Now, I love Moriarty as a character in the series, but I've almost never encountered fic authors who can write him at length without either making him a cartoon villain (actually a reasonable choice when he's that damn hard to write) or displaying that creepy fangirly-ness some people get when they forget that he's both batshit and fundamentally repellent.  It's that fantastic mix of fascinating and repellent from the TV series that the author captures here so well in her Moriarty, and in some of the most gorgeous prose I've ever read.

gen, sherlock bbc, band, fic rec, au

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