Jul 08, 2017 19:02


In that whole "2017 yelled HOLD MY GODDAMNED LIQUOR STORE THAT IS CURRENTLY ON FIRE" at 2016 when 2106 declared itself the worst year to date.

Despite some terrible things happening to friends and family (death and injury, for the most part), I'M okay.

I finally got access to LJ again. Any messages sent to me, I'm sorry for not responding! Then again, I never got notification of them ever, anyway, despite setting my settings for such.

I'll be blunt: there are WAY easier and faster ways of getting my attention. Tumblr, for instance. I'm silvarbelle on there, too.

As to me, I'm gearing up to turn 39, putzing about with fics (I have the technological ability to write again! HUZZAH!!!), and am taking things one day at a time. My eternal (though sometimes muted) love for McShep (McKay/Sheppard) is revved up again, as is my love for McDanno (McGarrett/Danny Williams).

And I'm still obsessing over Ninja Turtles. Heck, yes, I am.

It gives me joy.

And that's the way it was on this day.

info dump, all about me, watch my ships sail, impending birthday

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