Apr 24, 2009 22:39
I finished my BEd today. I can hardly believe that two years have passed. Where does the time go? Did I treasure every minute? Seize every opportunity?
This afternoon two friends and I filmed a fight scene. We thought it would be fun to film and edit a slightly cheesy, fairly spectacular fight. About halfway through the filming, the question was raised, "are we getting too old for this?". We are, after all, three gentleman in their late twenties with no future in the film or fight business. If it was still okay now, would it still be okay when we were 30? Could we really justify our childish behaviour?
Fortunately, we didn't waste too much time on these questions. To quote Sloan, "If it feels good, do it". Granted, as we get older, there are certain responsibilities. Focusing solely on hedonistic enterprises breaks the social contract. But, as long as you're not hurting anyone, why on God's green Earth would anyone question the occasional offbeat pursuit?
You only live once. Carpe Diem. Go big or go home. Cliches hold weight because they touch upon truths. So, once again, and not for the last time, I will pledge myself to enjoying life as much as possible, achieving as much as possible, loving as much as possible, in short, living as much as possible.
We have a bad tendency to call something childish or immature if it isn't rational. Life's to beautiful and bizarre to bother with rationality. It dulls the senses and trivializes the pathos.
I'm off to dream an impossible dream.