
May 29, 2012 16:25

For my Aussie writer friends:

Submission Guidelines

Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild is delighted to announce:
Submissions for the next CSFG Publishing anthology, ‘next’, are welcome between 20 May and 15 October 2012.

Sequence. Succession. Cause and Effect. Show us what happened. next.

‘next’ will be edited by Simon Petrie and Rob Porteous. Stories may be any length up to 5,000 words. All approaches to the theme are welcome, as long as they are by nature speculative.
Payment will be a copy of the print version of the anthology plus $10 for stories under 1,500 words and $30 for all others based on published word count.

Submissions are encouraged from Australian writers of all levels of experience, with special encouragement given to CSFG members.

Multiple submissions (up to 3 per author) are OK; simultaneous submissions and reprints are not.
Submissions should be sent (as .rtf attachments only) to
Please make sure that the following information is in the email proper:
Email address
Author's name, as you would like it to be published
Name of Story
Word Count
Other contact information

If you wish to contribute to the interior artwork, please contact

Small Print: If your story is selected, we will be seeking assignment of First English Anthology Rights, First World Anthology Rights, and First Electronic Rights, for its publication in the English language. We'd like an exclusive licence to print, publish and sell your work (story or artwork) for one year from the date of first publication. We will use your work only in the print and e-book versions of the anthology and re-printings of it.

Visit the CSFG website
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