Nov 05, 2008 10:49
I can only imagine what it must have been like to watch the first step on the moon. I've heard it described, but it was something I grew up taking for granted, so I can't really imagine the experience of watching it in the moment. But I am sure that there were thousands of people that thought that we had "conquered" space. That everything was going to be different because that step was going to change everything.
And it did. But not right away.
The 1969 moon landing was an important moment in a chain of technological innovation that's still happening, and that will continue to happen for a long while into the future. But we haven't "conquered" anything. 39 years later, and most of space is still a huge mystery. Funding cuts, political disagreements, human tragedies, changing priorities and fear have continued to hamper our exploration of the universe that little children everywhere (and lots of adults, too, I would assume), thought we had become the masters of.
I personally know at least three people who are doing a lot of praying today - because they believe an Obama presidency is going to destroy their safety and economy security. I don't agree with them, but I do respect their fear. There are a lot of steps down this road - and there are a lot of people we need to bring along with us in order to make it work. So have your celebrations. But then get back to work.