I was seriously getting frustrated with how many awesome houses I keep seeing from people who have FT, and not being able to download them. Plus, I wanted secondary aspirations back, because I loved those.
I'd like to point out that I always roll for a sim's aspiration by the time they become a toddler, or right after they do. I have a notebook where I keep all their stats- zodiac, personality points, aspiration, and original turn ons and turn offs, just so I don't forget any of this.
I decided I'd roll for secondary aspirations for all the kids born in the legacy haven. Anyone who rolled their primary aspiration wouldn't get a secondary, but everyone else would. It is insane how many times Popularity rolled up- at least half of the ones who didn't have it as their primary aspiration rolled it. Which means most of them are popularity sims now, since several rolled it as their primary as well.
I don't mind this- I was hoping they'd have some sort of close community or something, especially since half of them are related somehow- but I've only recently started to get better at playing popularity sims and getting sims to interact without double minuses everywhere.
Only two sims rolled their primary aspiration- Daniel and Gabby- which I kind of like, because I feel like Daniel at least is very suited to his aspiration.
I haven't gotten around to doing much on any other projects, unfortunately, but there should be another Legacy Haven update out soon-ish. I'm finishing about one house on the rotation every day I have time to play, which means probably by the end of the week, if I don't end up getting pulled into some other idea or something.
Also, I have a thread on boolprop.com for the Legacy Haven, because I'm really hoping more people (especially those whose simselves and legacy sims I'm using) will see it.