New laptop.

Apr 19, 2010 19:46

I've pretty much been without my MacBook Pro laptop for nearly a year now. We decided to give it up to Tyler's grand-dad for the fact that his Mac died out on him and he needed a laptop in order to keep up with his business. Well, today I found a killer deal for an iBook G3 on craigslist that was only a buck 200. It's obviously an older, older version of a Mac laptop but so far everything works excellent. The RAM memory is a little shorter than I'd like it to be, but I'll be able to get more RAM in the near future. I really just wanted a new laptop to get me through school and such, seeing as how I've been using a Mac at home and while it's excellent, I need something more mobile and on the go. Plus, having a laptop again will greatly help me with keeping up with my postings and writing. I can say that I suffered a little bit without a laptop for these months on making posts on time to forums. Now, things will be a hell of a lot easier for myself to keep track of things.

Mac daddy? Oh, yes you are. <333


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