I WAS EARLY FOR DANCE not intentionally but definitely early. i thought it was supposed to be at 8.a.m. that was what time it was previously [if im not wrong]!
I HAD CHOCOLATE from eileen to the entire dance group! (: time out first thing in the morning! guarantees you a satisfyingly fantastic day! and that got me so so high that i went around terrorising some people. like darling xinky, who allowed me to squash her face and hug hug hug hug hug her (: <3
GORDON CAME TO TEACH INSTEAD and a crooked lady was late!
WE DIDN'T NEED TO TIE OUR HAIR into a bun, thank goodness :D i was going to town afterwards!!
WE ONLY HAD TO WEAR REFLECTIONS COSTUME! its my favourite piece out of all of them, despite being so long. its afterall... quite pretty (:
WE CLEANED UP REFLECTIONS which i thought needed a bit of cleanup!
I FIGURED OUT HOW TO STRIP MY COSTUME in time for eileen to take it away!
WE ONLY DID MARKING TODAY despite doing it in the quadrangle at 11am again >:( [WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT WOMAN] and having no shoes to wear, resulting in burnt feet.
CROOKED LADY AIN'T HAVE NO LONG SPEECH thank god, i would have collapsed and snored if she went on her usual way.
MORALE WAS HIGH despite the hanging two on the studio door.
WE ARE DOING SOMETHING SPECIAL on monday in front of the school! just like fearlessly feminine!
WE WATCHED A HAT FULL OF STARS again! we were huddled in front of the tv, and dear dear yunyi gave me constant hugs because i was feeling a little distraught with enrui about the whole leaving-the-troupe thing. when the music rolled on, everyone was quiet and tears just fell. the sec3s and sec4s have been through so much together, its just so sad to break the camaraderie at the end of the year ):
WE GOT UP TO DANCE at fearlessly feminine! did our previous syf piece before our coming syf (:
WE SANG STRONGER screaming and yelling. it just felt so good.
I WENT TO TOWN to get some stuff and to eat lunch. hahahaha we had PASTA at this store in the taka basement! yumyum. wanted to get a eclair but was just too full!
I HAD FUNNNNNNNNN~ yes like fun! :D hahaha we went to fool around at kino and ahhhh got so many cute cards there. saw a hermione granger bust [and it costs 91bucks :X] and a few cute folders that i wanted to get for some friends.
EVEN THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT WASN'T AGAINST ME TODAY the mrt train was really fast and the bus came like 2 minutes after i reached the interchange. my back was aching when i got home, cause i carried so much stuff, but (:
IT HAS BEEN A GREAT DAY! and things are turning out fabulous. thursday's runthrough was just great and i'm sure we can do even BETTER on monday. TWO DAYS AWAY! this post is full of caps, but who gives a damn. i'm looking forward to it, because modern dancers, this is what we've been working for for the past few months. IT SHOULD BE LOOKED FORWARD TO! cause we are so goddammit gonna storm that stage, regardless what the judges might think.
this week didn't turn out THAT badly after all. i didnt fail my history test and still did pretty good, i think i did okay for my bio test with some luck, i danced through UCC and the audi, i didnt faint due to lack of sleep, etc.
and i didnt do it alone. WE SURVIVED despite how pessimistic we felt about this week, how many tests we had and am going to have, how tired we felt, how hectic it is, how stressed we are, how nervous we are feeling, we survived. and we WILL keep on surviving because that is the spirit of modern dancers. NEVER SAY DIE, dudes, we are such energizers.
oh yes, i think we should have this expression for training part!
this desperation and corage for reflections
this feeling for the war
this determination for the dance
took my hand
touch my heart
held me close
you were always there
by my side night and day
through it all
baby come what may
swept away on a wave of emotion
oh were caught in the eye of a storm
share the laughter
share the tears
we both know
we`ll grow old from here
cause together,we are strong
in my arms,thats where you belong
i've been touched by the hands of an angel
i've been blessed by the power of love
and whenever we dance
we share an unbreakable love