Week 11 - Comment

May 14, 2009 22:56



okay, throughout the whole poem i was like "woah this is one deep poem" and i could really see and imagine how you felt whilst writing this, and how desperatly you just want to move on from the last heartbreak..but then it got to the end and i had to smile!

I thought it was totally creative how you mention

"There’s a box by the door with your name in big letters.
Pick that up on you’re way to making my life better.
What’s inside it I hear you ask?
Just one little tiny irrelevant task. "

and im like awesome! and then i read the last line:
“Go out to sea and capsize your boat J ”

and you literally made me smile. This poem is great! a pure example of writing from the heart

Keep it up Zeez!
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