Welcome to my writing LJ where I post my fanfic. FYI, this is not my "real life" LJ. Um, there's a possibility that this might not be updated every single time I update, but I shall do my best!
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The fact that the aforementioned fic is not only AU, but gender-swap got my attention. When I finally read it it turned out not to be not only interesting but funny as well. I like it when authors over here not only deviate from "traditionally normal" story-lines & plots, but make it interesting enough to keep the reader at the edge of their seats, wanting more.
But there's a problem; I ran into a roadblock when I tried to get to the actual story, To Love In The Major Key. Unfortunately my access to the fic/entries was/were blocked. So (knowing the circumstances) I was hoping you'd (be)-friend me back so that I can read your story [although it was written a while back, but that's beside the point] in its entirety. Thanks. :)
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