[Looks like Green's in his office. Eevee's tail can be seen by the side of the screen, twitching occasionally. He smiles, looking relaxed.]Hey, guys
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I have been gathering ingredients to make my own poffins. I have heard the most effective ones are handmade rather than store-bought, though I am not entirely certain how to go about it. Practice makes perfect, I suppose.
[Behind him, King can be seen with an armful of assorted berries.]
[Green looks thoughtful.] Poffins, huh? I never got into that, really; that's more my sister's thing. [Suddenly remembering:] A friend of mine named Ethan likes making poffins, too-maybe he can...give you some tips.
[He peers at King.] Looks like you're pretty serious about it, man.
They are a part of contests, and I am serious about being a worthy coordinator. [He smiles. The Riolu dumps the berries into some kind of container offscreen and picks up a Pecha, bringing it to his nose and sniffing it curiously.]
But poffins cease to affect a Pokemon after they eat enough. Their system adjusts to the effects, like ours do to caffeine, somewhat. It is more prudent to specialize in the first place.
[Behind him, King can be seen with an armful of assorted berries.]
[He peers at King.] Looks like you're pretty serious about it, man.
[He watches King sniffing at the Pecha berry and a question suddenly occurs to him.] So what do you do if your Pokémon is allergic to some berries?
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