(no subject)

Jun 07, 2007 15:52

Buying a house has been one of those life changing experiences.  I always had told my mother that I would buy and move into a house, since I was 15.  I figured, back then, that I would live by my own rules, and the cost of home ownership was more or less cheaper than living from apartment to apartment... and more rewarding, to boot.  As years passed, my mother eventually convinced me I was wrong.

I couldn't have been more right, I think.

Back during the Spring Break, A real-estate agent I had hired to help me look for an apartment (after a failed attempt over the winter) stated I would be better off buying a home.  He showed me the math--he was right.  Cost of ownership (by the month) is cheaper than rent (by the month) for the same square-footage.  At least, here in Huntsville, it is.  So, my spring break weekend was sent house-hunting.  We eventually narrowed it down to four choices.  One of which I thought was mediocre, one of which I liked, one of which I wanted to avoid, and the last of which looked bad.

The first one (nearly) visited was known as "Federal Blue".  It was literally said-color version of my mother's house--which I grew up in.  I wanted to avoid living in the same layout as before.  As luck would have it, the house was QUITE valuable, location wise, and had four offers on the seller's table before I even got to it.

The second one was known as the "VA House".  It was in a corner lot, with gray and tan paint.  It looked... moldy.  And small.  It felt it, too.

However, small didn't even begin to describe the rooms of the house I liked.  The Crestwood house turned out to be FAR more worked than I originally imagined.  A brick home with hardwood floors, it had fallen into disrepair, needed serious redevelopment, and was far too close to the seedy areas of town than my agent felt comfortable with.

Then came the "meh" house.  Outside, it has half brick, half veneer, and sported ugly white aluminum awnings.  Once inside though, I couldn't help but go "wow" when I saw the layout.  I didn't see the toys, I didn't hear the kid yelling, I just looked around and thought every room was described by one word:  "TOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooy!" As we walked out the front door of this house, another couple came in to tour the house.  I turned to the agent and said "Make an offer--now."  One phone call later, we had an offer delivered to the seller's agent by the evening.

Closing didn't actually happen until the end of April.  By the State of Alabama, I became approved for an FHA loan, which qualified me for 103% two-mortgage financing (97% at 5.5% Interest, 6% at no interest).  Both mortgages are fixed-rate for 30 years.  In fact, I had paid a little too much earnest money, and was given back change at the closing office.  Odd.  That change went straight into, well, a PS3, which I bought out of a strong desire to own a playstation ever since the PS2 came out.  I've never owned one until then.  I felt good after setting it up... the money never felt wasted.  I quote this to "life improvement".

A month later, the sellers (then my renters) finally moved out, and handed me the keys.  The utilities were turned off, the house was hot, stripped, and bare.  My folks finally saw what I saw:  An open layout with lots of possibilities, and nearly infinate potential.  There were a few things that needed to be addressed:
  • The roof of the covered patio needs replacing.
  • The bedrooms, downstairs bonus room, living, and dining room, needs repainting (to fit taste)
  • The carpet in nearly all rooms had to be pulled (BEAUTIFUL hardwoods beneath!)
  • The hardwood floors needed to be bleached, cleaned, finished, and sealed.
  • All electrical outlets needed to be grounded and changed
  • The kitchen needs to be re-tiled.
  • Refridgerator, Washer, and Dryer.  Buy them.
  • All the locks and knobs needed replacing (not just re-keying)
  • The 1980s Sears lightbulbs had to go.
  • Install a privacy wood fence
  • Install a pet door (two of 'em)
To date, I've bought a refridgerator (a gift from my mother), replaced the locks, keyed them by help of locksmith, changed all the lightbulbs to compact flourescents, pulled the carpet, turned on the utilities, and taped down a few rooms.  There's still a lot of work to be done.  Painting hasn't even started yet, and the only "furniture" in the house are tools and a cooler I sometimes use as a chair.

tomanywolves  and
rumershard  gone to camp, leaving me to work on the house alone. I've instead drafted help from
tomanywolves 's parents.  Work began last weekend (Sat. June 2) and progressively continued as best it could.  With utilities turned off until 6/6/07, I could only work until dark.  Sometimes, my body was so overcome with exhaustion, I did little work at all.  I do not anticipate to fully move in until June 15, but I do expect to at least have the Master Bedroom done and furnished by June 9. To those who read my Live-Journal, I am requesting help this Saturday and the next.  Contact me if you can, and I'll provide directions as needed.
  • This Saturday will involve cleaning, painting, and general home improvements
  • Next Saturday will involve moving and unpacking ( I need pickup trucks and vans! )
Those of you that come in to help will be paid in food and beverage of choice.  Those who want to come and just see the house are welcome to do so.  There's a lot of work to be done, so mind the mess, and watch your step.  ^^

By the way... does anyone know how to kill a weed with fern-like branches and leaves after the "mother plant" grows to the size of a tree?  These root offshoots are threatening to take over my back yard.

EDIT:  The plant has been identified as "Locus", apparently its a tree that propegates like a vine.
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