Repost of D/E fics

Apr 03, 2009 21:30

I'm resposting my 3 fics for people who haven't read them yet to do so and to pump our new comm up :P
Order is from oldest to most recently posted :)

By her side

"What you're thinking about?" A smile played on her lips as her hands made their way to his face. The fragrance of his aftershave inebriating her.

"You'd know if only once you admitted that you're the most beautiful woman on Earth."

Her smartass look on her eyes. "What do you want?"

He chuckled.

"Am just stating the truth." He said with a smirk on his face, propping himself up on his arms , sitting.

"Come here." She climbed to his side and placed her head on his shoulder. His arms embraced her cold body.

They didn't need anything. No kisses, no sex to tell how much they needed to be close to each other. It was as clear as her eyes when she woke up to the sun, right beside him. It was just there and it wasn't willing to go away.

“You know you're not getting anywhere with these compliments, right?” Her smile made her cheek press harder against his muscles.

“Right.” He leaned in, their eyes closing as their lips met.

He already was in a good place and didn't need to be anywhere else.

Desid/erium (if you just realized)

There was something about the way she looked today. Every day, actually. But today…she just looked different. Stunningly different.

The way her eyes sparkled. How could they find the woman with the most beautiful blue eyes for him to work with several hours a day?

Though the torture, he felt lucky. He had never seen eyes so pretty like those. The breathtaking way she held his gaze across the room while they were in the lunch time or just the way how she smiled when he forgot some of his lines in their rehearsals. It just increased his appreciation for her.

But his thoughts about her weren’t always this innocent, he admitted silently to himself as she walked past him. He also noticed the sexy way her hips moved when she walked or how he’d like to hear that alluring, husky voice of hers near his ear.

But he shouldn’t think about her like that. Shouldn’t.


There was something about him today. Their gaze lingered a little bit longer than usual and then she looked away.

The way he looked at her, she thought she saw a bit of desire passing quickly while he looked somewhere towards her. He finally looked up and she turned her head away, pretending she was simply staring at nowhere.

She noticed the way his t-shirt hugged his well-structured arms and suddenly she felt a wave of heat climbing up her body.

He didn’t know the effort it took her to work with him all day long. The rambling about her boyfriends, the non-stopping teasing, the quick kisses he’d steal and then the playful face she’d put on and above all, the intimacy point they were at right now. He didn’t have a clue about his effect on her. The effect that all his touching had on her.

But he just didn’t know it, she assumed as she walked to the set. Not yet.

A/N: By the way, desiderium means desire in Latin. Some of the things we know that they have for/with each other. Sex being the other. ;)
Also hope it's not too bad.

Under the rain

He was delivering her home. They had been in a luxurious hotel for the weekend, where he wouldn’t let her stay out of his arms for a minute and she wouldn’t complain.

The sunny skies had quickly turned to cloudy and she noticed it.

“I’m glad it was a sunny weekend. I loved taking walks outside. And I’m sure that if it were rainy we’d be locked down in the room.”

“And I’d be rocking your world, babe...Now you regret what you said, huh?” He flashed his best smile at her. She smiled back and shook her head. He reached out for her and kissed her on the cheek.

Tiny droplets fell down against the windows, making an almost imperceptible sound inside the car.

His hand smoothed the skin of her thigh. No one could have better looking legs than hers, particularly when she wore shorts like these.

“When I was younger, I loved it when I saw those scenes in the movies when the couples kissed under the rain…”

A brief silence followed her last word.

“And did you want to act in scenes like these?”

The rain started to pour loudly against the windshield, the skies were getting dark by the second and the need to curl up in a warm bed with him just increased inside her.


Swiftly, he pulled over the car. She looked at him puzzled.

“Now, babe, we’ll make this dream of yours come true.” He squeezed her hand lightly and opened the car door. She just watched his enchanting face and smiled inwardly.

The drops of rain painted dark stains in their clothes. She held an intense gaze with him. She couldn’t believe it was happening and with the actor that every other girl would dream having a scene like this with. And at this moment, he wasn’t an actor, he was hers. Her man to kiss under the rain.

“Why are you doing this?” Suddenly she felt like she needed to know, the silly smile never leaving her face.

“Everything for my Emily.” He took her hand in his, telling her to come closer and leant in for a passionate kiss.

Her mind was blown away by that feeling she couldn't name. This couldn’t get any better.

Her entire body against his. The cold wind didn’t seem to even exist. All they could feel was the heat exchanged between them.

When the need of air was inevitable, they parted the kiss. The cold rain still poured down, the only witness of their own cheesy movie scene.

His gaze made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He smiled sweetly at her and took her hands in his.

“So I made your dream come true ?”

A/N: Aww teh fluff...

And write people, write! :D

fic rpf david boreanaz emily deschanel r

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