OK...time to check in

Jun 05, 2010 23:20

I havent posted here in a while now, and its time to check in and see whats going on.

I have decided that the world, or at least vast parts of it, have gone insane. We have people actually blaming President Obama for the Gulf Oil disaster. They say that he should have known that it was going to happen and that because he didnt act to stop offshore drilling, which from what I can find out has been going on in America since 1947, that he is to blame for the current disaster. I realize that the problem now is unique in that the well was a deep water well and that the company had no real disaster plan but that can hardly be anyone fault except for the company, right? After all, there was no real plan for a Space Shuttle blowing up in midair but it happened and no one rushed to blame anyone, even the people that were clearly to blame for launching said Shuttle despite adverse conditions. Thats sort of a bad comparison but its close to the same thing anyway.

The bottom line: Fix the fucking problem and then hold those responsible for the accident to task for what they have done. Boycotting local BP stations does nothing but hurt local businesses and owners, we have to go high up on the food chain here. Were this China, the people that screwed up would have most likely already been put up against a wall and shot. Maybe they do know how to do stuff over there after all.

In other news, I have pretty much decided to join my wife and walk a 5k charity walk. She has done two of them in the past month and really enjoyed them and I can get my fat ass off of the couch to help people too. Who knows, it might even kickstart me out of the latest weight loss plateau I have hit. I need that badly. I have some more weight to lose and want to start getting it off.

The wifes best friens and someone I have grown very close to is moving a lot closer to us. This makes me very happy. She is a wonderful person and I lover her a lot. Having her closer will be very good for her too. She is depressed where she is and needs to get away. There are better schools here for her too.

The phone suckage continues. I am on my third Samsung Exclaim in a year. They just keep failing on me. Now the phone I wanted, a Samsung Moment, is getting very bad reviews as far as battery life and wifi reception. We shall see, I am eligible for an upgrade in August and really want to move to a Droid phone but Sprint may not be able to get their act together enough to make Droid phones work well enough. I am hopeful though.

I am working once again with the horses out at Hoosier Park in Anderson. The standardbred season is going pretty well despite a shakeup in the boss department and the hiring of more than one retard as far as vets and assistants. So far they can be worked around but I think a storm is coming when the thoroughbreds start rolling in. Dealing with a thoroughbred is a dicey situation at the best of times, it can go bad quickly and unpredictably and you absolutely cannot show them fear or they will rule you. A couple of the vets are scared of standardbreds even so I dont know how this is going to work. We shall see I suppose. I tend to Twitter from work a lot if you want to follow me, my name is Northsidebill over there.

I am still a man without wheels. The truck died a while back and I had to sell it and there simply isnt money to get anything at all for me to drive. Its very quickly becoming a pain in my fucking ass and getting worse and worse. The money situation was getting a lot better but it seems that no matter how close we get to being caught up and in shape moneywise, something happens that isnt our fault and it fucks us thoroughly. Its getting really old.

On that note, I am going to close here for now. I have another post brewing in my head and dont want to combine them...
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