The biggest scam since seatbelt tickets

Dec 17, 2009 20:49

I have a problem with the world right now.

I do not believe in global warming. I will tell you why. Bear with me here...

The science, at least in my mind, is just not there. As a species, humans have been on this planet for somewhere between 1.6 and 2.2 million years, those are the accepted scientific numbers. Homo Sapiens, which is us, have been around for somewhere near 200,000 years. This planet that we live on is, as near as we can figure, somewhere between 4.5 and 6 billion years old. That means we have existed on this planet for around .005% of the time the planet has existed.

Now, what part of that .005% of the time we have been around have we had the science available to us to even realize that we have affected this world around us? I will be very generous and say 100 years. Even if it is way more, say 500 or even 1000, we have been taking measurements and learning about this world for a VERY small percentage of its existence. Way way less than 1%, a fraction of a blink of this planets eye.

Yet we have the gall to assume that we are harming and even destroying this planet? We who have existed as a species for a pittance of its existence and can know nothing of the time frame this planet thinks in? When you have been around for a few billion years, a million or two is simply nothing. This planet must move in cycles and waves that are incomprehensible to us and will be for millions more years. Granted, we humans as a species are very efficient at destroying and fucking up almost everything we touch but I just cannot believe that even we, the biggest parasite this planet has ever known, could wreak the sort of havoc that alarmists and green folks are all shouting about.

I have a theory. It started when I realized, in my opinion, what was going on with seat belt laws. This is an odd tangent to come in on but stick with me here, this makes sense eventually.

Seatbelt tickets are a scam. The government of my state doesnt give two shits about my safety. Yet they shout and yell that I must be forced to be safe, in the interest of my safety they are going to make me wear a seat belt or I face penalties and problems. I will get a ticket and be forced to pay money if a policeman sees me not wearing my seatbelt, no matter if I have broken another law or not. Then they get paid. Probably a lot of money, they have gotten $100 from me alone in the past year and a half. I wear a seatbelt now, but only because I dont want to get a ticket, not because I think it makes me safer or because they care about me.

Now, translate that to a global scale. Governments all over the world are taking this nonexistent and in some cases freely made up "science" and saying that developed nations must pay. If you produce carbon dioxide, you must pay money. Or buy what are essentially tickets that allow you to produce carbon dioxide. if you dont, I imagine, there will be fines, levies, sanctions and a lot more problems and money changing hands.

Its all a huge scam. Based on "science" that is shaky at best, total lies at worst. And people just buy it without thinking about it because of who says it must be true. That scares me in a big way...

government, science

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