
Oct 04, 2009 11:22

OK, I hate George W as much as the next sentient being with two brain cells to rub together but I dont think you can pin this one on him.

I mean, its the IOC. Of course they are going to choose a country with the most beautiful women in the world and the best drugs in the hemisphere over the city with the best pizza known to man. If someone offered me beautiful women and drugs and someone else offered me pizza I know what I would choose too. A few years ago it would have been a much closer call but still pretty much a no-brainer.

Not that the IOC is crooked or anything. No way that could be true, right? And on a final note, Jesse Jackson has officially become as big an attention whore as Al Sharpton. Never thought I would see the day, Jesse, never thought it. I'm sad for you


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