You keep using that word...

May 26, 2009 14:54

So the California Supreme Court upheld Prop 8, right?

Not exactly, at least not the way I am understanding it.

The challenge that reached the Supremes was not the actual amendment but that putting the Prop into place so revised the California constitution's equal protection clause that it first needed the Legislature's approval, which was not had. What the Supremes are saying here has nothing to do with whether Prop 8 is right or not, anyone with more than two brain cells knocking together knows its wrong and bullshit. What the Supreme Court is saying is that the general public has the right to change a states constitution by voting on it.

So now, if the Left Coast can get enough people to vote to strike down this human rights violation of a Proposition, the path has already been set for the change to become legal. The people vote and the constitution has to change, the Supreme Court just said so. Then someone who hates gay people starts trying to pass the same thing again and the whole fight starts over again until the world ends I guess.

Anyone with more legal knowledge than me care to weigh in on why that wont happen? Why the fight wont be going on forever with either side trying to change the constitution depending on who is not satisfied at that moment?


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