Qualifications abound...

Dec 23, 2008 15:33

I would like to qualify a statement I have made her a few times and revise it a little.

I love Windows Vista. This part of the statement I still stand by. However, when I made it, I had only used basic Vista, the version that came pre-installed on my laptop. Home version, the most basic thing they offer. It rocks, I still say that. I have recently installed Vista Ultimate on the desktop. Its a bloated, slow running, CPU hogging, RAM misusing pile of nuclear dogshit. I hate it. I wish I had never installed it and would uninstall it and go back to XP but I am just too lazy right now and plan on getting a new motherboard/cpu combo soon anyway, so I will just do it then.
 For the record, I am going to go with an AMD Quad Core processor on either an Abit or ASUS mobo and then load either 4 or 8 gigs of RAM on it. Down the road comes either an SATA hard drive or possibly a small (at least 64gig) SSD drive to use as a boot drive and for WoW and then an SATA drive. The SSD's have me really interested, I think thats the wave of the future and wouldnt mind having one.

OK, enough geekery for today :)

geek, computers

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