[The drone mother of the household wakes up like always, chipper and smiling and ready for a new day! Isn't this a wonderful day? It's Independence Day!
She gets to the kitchen and starts making breakfast for her boys when suddenly, painfully, everything comes back to her. Suddenly, everything she thought she knew means nothing, means less than nothing. Memories, utterly human memories, that are suddenly so fake and pointless.
She is Russia, not some damned human woman, smiling and simpering and giving in. It angers her, an anger that she doesn't quite have the time or desire to tone down before she gives into it completely. The bowl of pancake batter is thrown on the floor, the jars full of sugar and flour following it, then the eggs and the milk. The sound of breaking glass just stirs her up more, and she proceeds to thoroughly trash the kitchen her drone!self had spent so much time in.]