Congratulations! I know you had doubts but I'm certain that anyone who looked at all past your grades would notice that you are very smart and driven. I know I would've accepted you if I were an admissions person! :)
Thank you for your confidence in me! I have to admit, the thought "they saw my transcript and they still wanted me???" has crossed my mind more than once, but amazement and joy! I am very glad that they did.
Nah, applications are designed to make you feel inferior but honestly, I think it was a good decision on their part. I'm sure you will do much better in a college environment than you did in high school, especially now that you got to go on this huge adventure. :)
Tossing modesty to the side a little bit, I agree with you on all counts. :P And as for this huge adventure . . . I can't express the many ways in which I'm so grateful for this past year. It's been amazing. It will be amazing to the very end. I've grown way more than I thought I could in just one year. And I think I will do *far* better than in high school!
Glad to hear it! I look forward to hearing about your college adventures as well! Although a little less constant crazy active, college is pretty amazing too, from what I've experienced of it anyway. :)
&hearts&hearts&hearts :D:D
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