New FanFic Coming

Nov 26, 2013 23:31

Child of Elves and Men
Fandom Crossover: Supernatural X Silmarillion X LOTR
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, Mary W., John W., Finrod Felagund, Celegorm, Curufin, Barahir, Original Characters.
Warnings: Mpreg, some illusions to intercourse, child death, cannon Character Death, religious rituals or spells.
Summary:  During the height of the first Age or Arda, love was found between an Elf and a Man, not once but twice. This is the story of the love of Finrod Felagund and Barahir, and the life of the child born from it. AKA: Dean Winchester finds out he’s adopted and has a very royal family bloodline indeed.

AN/: the OC’s that are in this are part of a much bigger fandom that is in my head. The first person narrator at the beginning is called Avery Elfstar (if anyone knows what that is in elvish, I will be eternally grateful), and he is called The Silmaril, for the original crafted jewels of Feanor. I won’t go further into that mess. I may never write that story. Ever! All you need to know is that he is very powerful, and is very different from any of the Eldar, or elves in general.
Just for clarification, I found the name Imrathon on a website and I don’t know if it is right or not but for the basis of this fic I’m saying it is right.
Now I might have gotten the dates in the First Age a little screwy but I think you’ll get the idea later.

what do you think?

bobby, dean winchester, supernatural, finrod, the elfstar verse, castiel(supernatural), crossover, other tolkien characters, child of elves and men, barahir, tolkien, sam winchester, silmarillion, original characters, new fics

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