let's just hope I don't jinx it ok?
What do I mean? Well simply this...Obama put into effect a Pay Freeze for all his employees at the White House who make over 100,000 a year. His thought...if the people of America are strapped and struggling, than they should be watchin their pennies as well.
He said that what "We do is a Public Service, thus it is a Privilege and to do so. It's not about advantaging oneself or your friends or your corperate clients, etc. Its about only advancin the interest of Americans." Ok so that quote ain't perfect. lol
You can read on it and see the clip here...
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090121/ap_on_go_pr_wh/obama_executive_pay And honestly I agree!! Why in the hell should they get paid big bucks when they 1. work for us and 2. we are the ones struggling, thus they ain't doin their jobs right!
So good for him!
At least they were able to get a couple of laughs out of it! LOL