Is it bad that it's 8:51 a.m. and I'm bored with today?
I kind of really really really want one of
these, but alas, I'll not be paying $130 for something I could conceivably make myself. If the sewing-machine-for-my-birthday thing happens, I believe I've got my first project cut out for me. Even though sacrificing some old book kind of makes me sad. Maybe I can tell myself I'm up-cycling? Yeah. That's it. Beauty is pain, my friends!
Speaking of beauty and pain, I recently spent 20 minutes in a dressing room staring at myself in
this dress. I looked like a movie star, you guys. This dress was cut just for me....except that I cannot think of a single real-life situation in which it might be appropriate. See, it's the Girls. That low-cut halter top shows them off perfectly. So perfectly, in fact, that there's no way I'd be able to leave the house in that dress if there was any possibility of meeting anybody I know. Ever. And I couldn't quite justify spending $70 on a piece of clothing that I'd basically be keeping as a pet. So I called my mother to moan about it for a bit, and then took it off and gave it back to the sales person. (I see that it's available in other colors for $39.99, which I *might* be able to get away with. Black? Dark flamingo, or whatever it is? Maybe. But I'd still have to find a sexy picnic full of sexy strangers, or it would never make it out of the house.) Sigh.
Tonight is Amish Friendship Bread night! Would anybody on the flist like to receive a ziploc bag of yeasty batter in the mail? Because I've got three starters I need to get rid of, and I'd be happy to send some off. It does bake up nice and cinnamon-y, if you're into that kind of thing. And besides, what are we all if not Amish friends?
See? Bored. Boring. Somebody tell me a story, please. Or something.