I got stuck in my neighborhood this morning, mid-commute, and was almost almost three hours late to work because of a bomb scare at the big mosque on Mass Ave.: I spent half an hour going a half-mile on the bus, then got kicked off the bus, walked down the closed part of Mass Ave. and found that pedestrians weren't allowed to cross the bridge at Rock Creek Park, stood around with everybody else for an hour, read some David Sedaris, sweated through my lady-blazer (what is this, August?), started walking when the bridge opened up, caught a bus to Farragut West, took the Metro to Foggy Bottom, and walked from there.
This all follows yesterday, when I wasn't paying attention and took the wrong bus to work, and the bus home didn't come/was a half-hour late.
Metrobus, whatever I did, I'm sorry. Can't we all just get along?
In other news, life is moving forward. I'm nervous about the end of my time in DC--sad to leave, kind of, and also at sea about the future--but I think moving is the right choice, and so I'm trying to see through the terror and do things that make sense. I'm looking for jobs and writing projects in L.A., San Francisco, and New York; I told my landlady I'd be vacating in December; I've started planning my road trip back to California. I'm telling myself daily that I'm not crazy, or a slacker, or doomed to live with my parents forever, and that I might actually get what I want if I give myself the time and patience to pursue it. I'm writing a lot, both on the pilot script and on another project, and giving some thought to a web series or something similar. Strangely, it almost seems harder to leave here than it was to move here--time to overthink vs. a rush of adrenaline--but I'm pleased with myself for preparing early and doing my homework. It's just scary, looking everything in the eye like this.
But at least there's stuff to keep me distracted, like Glee and how it's getting better and how I love Kurt Hummel from the bottom of my heart, and how Bones is on every single week!, and how I am zooming through books. I just finished The Final Solution, Michael Chabon's cute-but-hard-to-get-through Sherlock Holmes fanfic novel (so labeled by Chabon himself), and made a serious dent in David Sedaris's When You Are Engulfed in Flames while sitting on the curb of Mass Ave. this morning, waiting for the police to open the road. What I really need, now, is something old and wonderful--I keep skipping David Copperfield and Bleak House because I know they'll interfere with book club reading (next up: Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride), but maybe it's their time; also, I read part of Mencken's Chrestomathy at work the other day (what up, Rory?), and it was delightful. Or maybe what I really want is to re-read Dracula? Whatever. I need me some engrossing old-timey storytelling, stat.
Also, I have just discovered the amazing time-wasting bliss that is other people's
Tumblrs. I have no desire to...uh...Tumbl, myself, but the sheer volume of happy, pretty, smile-y things floating around there is unspeakable. Why did nobody show me this before? And why is it that they have so much better layouts than LJ? (If you have a Tumblr, besides
shimmeryshine, whom I've already found, let me know so I can continue to not work. OMG.)