So, tell me again: Where did this week go, exactly? I feel like this must be what happens when I start getting out--I went to community group on Tuesday and knitting group on Wednesday, and there has been craziness at work, so that yesterday I came home meaning to go for a run (because it was warm and the trees are so pink and flowery!), but instead crawled into bed and took a nap. Yeah.
But. This weekend I'm going away! Some not-family family (my childhood pastor's sister, to be exact; also my friend Brydon's aunt) heard that I'm a writer, and called me up to offer me use of their cottage on the Rappahannock river as a writer's retreat. I have never met these people, but far be it from me to decline some free cabin time! I'm just going Saturday to Sunday--I couldn't face driving down after work today, and also Sherlock can fend for himself for one night--but I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to a mini-road trip and some uninterrupted writing time.
So, can we talk about TV for a sec?
I really, really loved this episode. REALLY A LOT. They're doing such a lovely job of intertwining the personal and the...professional, if you can call it that, which is just the heart of Chuck, you know? Plus: hilarious from teaser to tag. HA.
Or maybe I just love Capt. Awesome just a little too much. (Likely.)
And oh, that ending. I've been trying all week to articulate my thoughts on this besides "OMG NECK TOUCH PLEASE KISS SOON!!1!" and I think I've got it: now Sarah is with Chuck in a way that she hasn't been before. I love that, yeah, she risked her career to help him, but then she drove him out there (practical concern: he doesn't have a car) and told him to knock, and stood next to him while he did it. And who better than the girl whose own father is so much in and out of her life? This is Sarah showing up for Chuck. (And then she touched his neck and they almost kissed and I was happy. Heh.)
Other thoughts:
Oh, right. The nitrous climax: admittedly lame. But ZL's delivery of "because then where would we get little ladybugs?" cracked me up. Hey, what do you want from me?
CASEYYYY. I am so sad that he and the 49B (who is astonishingly beautiful, like, how is anybody that many times prettier than beautiful girl Yvonne Strahovski?) will not get to have hot, possibly hilarious sex (...that we know of). But I am so pleased that she seems to have lost her charm when she acted against Team Bartowski--and specifically Sarah. 'Cause she's a pro, and the best damn partner he's ever had. Awww, Casey. I heart you a lot. Also, you are totally going to officiate the Bartowski/Walker wedding, aren't you?
Related: GUN PORN. HA! Why is footage of Casey doing the things he loves always accompanied by bow-chicka music (see "Chuck vs. the Crown Vic")?
I always want to hate Jeff, but I secretly think he's hilarious. He's like Chuck's Creed.
Pissy!Sarah is totally my favorite Sarah. "Now I have no reason not to kick your ass!" It's the little shoulder-bump afterwards that makes it art.
This show is so much fun, and it's just getting better and better ( please keep it around, NBC? Otherwise I'll just cry and cry and cry!). I would like the next four episodes now, plz.
Well, I have to say: I'm a little sad that Baby Ben isn't dead, because I wanted that to be taken care of by some cool portion of the time-travel schema. But handing the poor kid off to have his innocence stolen by Richard and his eyeliner of doom is almost as good. And Charles and Ellie are involved? And still on the island in 1977? Hmm.
Although I haven't said it before, I love the Lost time-travel paradigm, even though I understand it, like, 0%. I like that they're doing the opposite of the traditional paradox-style schema.
Dear Kate and Jack,
Just so you know: I have officially lost patience with both of you. It is possible that the island will work some kind of redemptive magic on your personalities (let's hope); until that time, I will root for you together because you so clearly deserve each other. Expired love,
(Okay, actually, I don't actually have a huge problem with Kate, and I think my issues are mostly unrelated to this episode. But it was SO awesome and satisfying to hear what Sawyer said to her. He did it for Juliet! I suddenly love Juliet! Jack...don't even get me started on Jack. Even if I agreed with him, does he have to be such a d-bag about it? [Admittedly, he's sort of damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, but still. UGH.])
So, Kate's looking for Claire? I can dig that, though I never totally bought the Kate/Aaron storyline in the first place. I would very much like for Claire to not be dead, exactly, but to be...somewhere else. Temporally. Also, I totally did not realize that Cassidy is also Matt Saracen's mom, and I thought Kate was going to leave Aaron with her, which would have been a whole other thing. Now THERE's a fandom collision.
Also, E. Lilly = best hair in Hollywood (Honolulu?), period. Although, what does Kate do that she dresses like that all the time? I can only imagine.
Oh, Bones. You and your wacky animal-park hypnosis hijinks! But then, you wouldn't be you without them, somehow. (And, from what I hear, we ain't seen nothing yet, crazy-wise. Heh.) Also, awesome dress and hair on Angela.
That said, I dug this episode. I love Cam, and although I don't mind that she's mostly comic relief, it's good of them to give Tamara Taylor something of substance to do. she's got a kid to take care of? Sort of? Cool. I like this game.
I like Single Angela, and I like Briefcase Bomb Clark Edison, and I like his girlfriend. I like all-girl scenes. I also like Booth and Brennan, and will be happy to see them again soon.
The End.
Oh, hey, so I have a question, flist: I'm working out a contract with the designer of
those cool telephone calling cards to change the phone to a typewriter and make me some business cards. And I'm realizing that, as a person that exists in several locations online (
Read in Reverse,
Cinema Hype, and one in the oven), it may be best for me to create a single "professional" website where I can link to all these things. All I'd need is a home page with some links and possibly space for my resume. I know some of you have been through this, or at least researched it--
midtownmandy? would you all go about this as quickly and inexpensively as possible? And, uh, way to think about this stuff well in advance, self.
And, finally, I think I need to stop reading Story. It's highly theoretical, and kind of condescending, and it's stressing me out, and I'm annoyed with the author anyway. On the other hand, I'm having a hard time actually stopping, because reading about writing keeps me in the writerly headspace. STEP AWAY FROM THE BOOK, SELF. I'm totally going back to Syd Field and his hands-on, pep-talky Screenplay ways.
Chatty Friday, apparently. Whoops. Work now, I guess?