Hey little girl if you're window shoppin', I've got something traffic-stoppin'

Mar 20, 2009 16:43

Ah, personal days: the REAL sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy-head, fever, so you can rest medicine. Or, in this case, the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy-head, fever, so you can do your taxes medicine. YAY. (I have unreasonably complicated taxes for a person of my age and professional standing; don't ask.)

Ummm. What else?

Movies! I am two for two with the quality films this week. Much to the skepticism of basically everybody I've shared this with (and possibly also, judging from his TDS appearance last week, Paul Rudd himself), I really liked I Love You, Man and will defend it to the pain. Totally funny and cute, and they were clearly having fun, and I think that I am getting very excited at the prospect of Jason Segel doing the Muppets. Maybe there should be Muppet Paul Rudd? Because that would be AWESOME.

And, OH. You guys. Sunshine Cleaning. Do you know that feeling, where you read something or watch something or listen to something and you think, I wanna write THAT! That is how this movie made me feel. I loved it. It was just that perfect mix of sad and funny and RIGHT, and the performances were wonderful, and there just wasn't a single wrong note. It was beautiful. Go see it. Now. So we can all talk about how much we love it.

Because of all of this out-and-about movie-watching, I have been totally oblivious to television. However, today I got caught up on...

I don't think I was as blown away by this episode as a lot of people. HOWEVER.

- WTF Christian? I am so confused about him, all the time.

- I know they're ripe for sudden destruction, but I always want to draw little hearts around the Dharma Initiative. I love those guys and their eager-beaver 70s-ness and the joy the art department clearly derives from creating their universe. And I am always, always happy to see Dr. Pierre Chang/Dr. Marvin Candle/Dr. Edgar Halliwax/Dr. Mark Wickmund/Miles's dad. This week: the first day of Dharma summer camp! LOVE.

- Well, this answers my question about where Young Ben is in all of this. I love it: "I'm Ben!" "...."

- Big LOST Mystery #2976: Why do none of our people remember the people they've met earlier in their lives?

- Is it possible that I am rooting for JULIET in the ultimate girl-brawl that is clearly to come? I find Elizabeth Mitchell impossibly creepy, just, like, the way she moves and smiles and is, which makes me not understand why I love her and "James" so much, but also kind of want her to scramble Kate's face a little. I don't know what's gotten into me.

Was that...terrible? Or am I just making this up? I was mildly offended by the "OMG there's a Muslim dude in our lab!" storyline, both on the part of the Muslim dude and on the part of the characters, who would clearly know better. OY.


- Didn't Angela and Roxie already break up? Or did they break up and get back together and now they're broken up again? WHAT. Whatever. Yay, Hodgins? Or, yay, Single Angela? I hate to say it, but I miss S1 Promiscuous Angela. She was fun, and she gave good advice.

- So, Brennan reserves the right to change her mind as conditions change, huh? Rock on. Subpoint: Emily Deschanel is very good with the "aww, he's a good man" face. Well played, ED.

I'm including this only because I loved Kelly and Angela in the parking lot. And Jim in his tux and Pam thinking Jim in his tux was hilarious. Also, I find it satisfying that Jim is consistently terrible with people. The End.

OOOOOOMG. Best episode of 30R this season? Very, very possibly. I laughed so hard during the montage of poor handsome Doctor In a Bubble sucking. And his high school self was the model for Prince Eric, OBVIOUSLY. OMG. So awesome. 30R and I have had some less-than-excellent times this season, but this was one of the greats, IMO. Thank you, Liz Lemon.

And that is all. More FNL to come. Also, I feel--and this is surely wrong, considering my TV schedule--that I should be watching more shows. Why am I not keeping up with any of the new series? I may marathon episodes 2-5 of Dollhouse this weekend, since apparently this week is when it gets good? I'll bite for that. Also: Chuck comes back Monday! Come back, silly spy love! I need you.

This weekend: writing, and lots of it. Also, possibly a trip to the library downtown and/or a viewing of Duplicity, to see if I can go three for three. I AM THRILLING. (However, I walked to the National Cathedral today and discovered that they have evensong every day at 5:30! I'm not home by then during the week, but I am totally going to try to go more often. Free choral music in an amazing setting, right around the corner? Rock on.)

And one last thing: I'm so sad, you guys. One of my very favorite places in my Oakland neighborhood is closing this weekend, and I won't be there to say goodbye to it. The Parkway was this little run-down Art Deco movie theater down the street from my apartment, and they had couches and alcohol and really good nachos and two-for-one night on Wednesdays. I was there constantly when I lived in Oakland, and so was everybody I knew, but they just can't make it in the market. It's a sad day for Oakland. Goodbye, Parkway! I loved you well.

30 rock, lost, bones, california, movies, the office

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