I'm on top of the world, the coolest kid in the neighborhood

Aug 23, 2008 23:11

Tonight on The Fabulous Life of sillyzilly2k: Saturday night meme time! I am awesome. For reals, though, today I 1) went back-to-school/I-really-need-new-clothes shopping at the madhouse known as Old Navy (pants that fit, woot!), 2) saw the Women Impressionists exhibition at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, 3) had ramen and a banana-strawberry-Nutella crepe in Japantown, 4) discovered the impressive fabric section at my local Super Longs, and 5) made a peach pie from scratch. So I totally deserve to sit around and yammer about how fictional characters "relate" to my "life." So there.

This is called the "alternative life meme" and basically you have to fill out the questions with fictional characters that come to your mind. Pick a different person for each answer. No repetitions!

Note: I'm playing the TV edition today, as movies are overwhelming and I apparently can't remember a single book I've ever read.

1. The guy you would take to meet your parents: Jim Halpert, The Office. He's adorable, he's articulate, and he's by far the least likely to pull anything weird, like accidentally bringing a dead thing back to life, or chattering all night and then whisking me off to travel through time and space in a phone box.

2. The one girl you would do: Kate Austen, Lost. She's just hot, okay? Sue me.

3. The guy you'd have sex with in your parents' bed: Obligatory EW. But Tim Riggins (Friday Night Lights) seems like he might be into that, so.

4. The girl you'd take to the mall: Angela Montenegro, Bones. She'd encourage me to try on random, cute clothes, and then she'd be simultaneously super-honest and super-encouraging, and maybe let me share her stylist. (Runners-up: Lorelai and Rory Gilmore; Charlotte "Chuck" Charles, if she'll take to her special Coeur de Coeur retro mall)

5. Your male BFF: Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who. The ultimate traveling buddy, with extra points for geekhood and knack for getting out of jams (which are mostly his fault, but what's travel without a little adventure?).

6. Your female BFF: Liz Lemon, 30 Rock. I sense that our friendship would involve a lot of TV/movie hang-out time, a lot of food, and a lot of feeding off each others' neuroses. Awesome.

7. Your gay BFF: Stanford Blatch, Sex and the City. Is there a better gay BFF than Stanny? I shudder to think. (Runner up: Tom from Lost, but only if I needed to have somebody shot or beaten to a pulp)

8. The guy who'd take you to prom: Most accurately? Kenneth Parcells, 30 Rock. I cannot tell a lie, you guys.

9. Your big brother: Dwayne, Little Miss Sunshine. He's in a tough place, but will dance in public to "Superfreak" when necessary, and I like that in a brother. (Ooh, not TV. Sorry.)

10. The guy you'd marry: Stealing yahtzee63's answer, because it's perfect: Eric Weiss, Alias. What I'm looking for in a nutshell, and cute to boot. (Note that I desperately wanted to put "Ned, Pushing Daisies" in this slot, but 1) only if he hasn't already touched me alive, and 2) I feel that my favorite piemaker has a few issues he needs to work out before we can properly commit. I'm lustful, not stupid.)

11. The two guys you'd have a threesome with: I'm going to go with a SATC theme and say Steve Brady and Smith. Smith because he's too hot to be believed, and Steve because he and his one testicle are 1) scrappy and 2) apparently good enough for Miranda, who totally wouldn't put up with bad sex. (He'd pretend to be horrified, but he'd give in in the end.)

12. The girl and guy you'd have a threesome with: Tami and Eric Taylor, Friday Night Lights. Because they're fun and approximately equally hot, and crazy about each other, and what could possibly go wrong?

13. The guy you'd go clubbing with: Breaking the rules and saying Kelly Kapoor, The Office. We'd get dolled up and she'd let me borrow her makeup, and then we'd dance just to dance, and flirt with random guys, and she'd be ridiculous, and that would be okay.

14. The guy you'd have angry hot sex with: Jack Shephard, Lost. I suspect that a lot of Jack's sex is angry hot sex. He's an angry hot guy. I'm all right with that.

Wow, I'm full of conditions and stipulations tonight, aren't I?

No specific tags; consider yourself selected if you want to do it.

Oh, look! The pie's out of the oven, and it's time for my pre-bedtime crossword. This is me, partying like I'm 112. I should put an end to this before I start crocheting kleenex cozies.

memes, tv boyfriends

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