I feel good today, one of those days like, It's the first day of the rest of your life! Why yesterday or the day before or the day before that were not the first days of the rest of my life is unclear. Maybe because today's Friday? Or because I have a noodly lunch date with friends? Or because I finally went and got a new driver's license, and I think I might look cute in the new picture? Truthfully, I suspect it's because I wrote some things last night that might be good, and you'd think the rush of that would wear off in the night, but you'd be wrong.
I've been watching my 30 Rock DVDs and I kind of want to keep a notebook of all the silly quotes I'd like to incorporate into my personal slang lexicon, or the ones that get stuck in my head, like songs. Earlier this week I was stuck on "'GIMME YOUR FINGERNAILS!' 'NO!,'" but now I've moved on to "becauthe I'm THO GROTETHQUE."
And I read Alice Walker's
endorsement of Barack Obama, and I love when she says he's "not perfect but humanly stunning." She's right. He seriously makes me feel all bubbly inside, not so much in the OMG! Beatlemania! sense (okay, maybe a little the OMG! Beatlemania! sense) but in the hopeful, substantial, future-thinking sense. I would like very much for our nation to feel collectively bubbly inside.
And I think that I will beeline it to the library after work, since smack in the middle of The Pursuit of Love--which is delightful in practically every way--I've decided that I MUST READ Neil Gaiman's novella Coraline. RIGHT NOW. And I will also return Him Her Him Again The End of Him, which is shamefully overdue, and which I've been carrying around in my car due to my inability to pull over and drop it in the book return on my way to work in the morning. (Seriously.) But I love the library on a sunny Friday afternoon, and I love the streamy, dreamy sunniness of my living room on a sunny Friday afternoon even more, and that's what I'm looking forward to.
See? Things are good.