(no subject)

Jul 21, 2005 03:30

I often sit in my room pondering what it is that I should say to myself next. Most of the time im disappointed in the selection that my brain choses to share with itself. One would think that we save the most interesting things to ponder in our solitude. The truth is, isolation is a prison sentence for a reason. I think the only other thing that is as annoying as being alone is being alone with a bug that insists on hitting the wall repeatedly even though continual contact cant possibly make the day any brighter for the little feller. I wonder if bugs are capable of becoming brain damaged, or if they suffer the same suffrages that us humans so pride ourselves on suffering, mostly alone, and mostly in silence.
Im spending another sober night with myself. Well, with myself and a rather large insect that currently is stuck on the top bookshelf behind a rather dusty edition of Italy Observed. I don’t particularly enjoy being up at this hour, however as my grandmother likes to put it, im on “European time.” Too bad I live in massachusetts. I used to spend these hours doing things that I loved, paint, listen to music, read, watch classic foreign films that it didn’t matter if I understood entirely. I valued being alone as one values a precious jewel. Jewels fade. Precious stones are often overrated. The only thing that makes them precious in the first place is the lack of their presence on this earth. Well smallpox has taken a bit of a vacation perhaps we should dub it the most precious of all life threatening diseases. Do you see? Do you see what the brain comes up with when it is given free reign in the middle of the night? god I need a life.
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