the story of my life

Sep 27, 2006 11:33

Dear Journal,

from my last entry things havent gotten any better. i was kicked out of the house i was residing in for reasons unknown one month and change before school started and to top ot all ff the person that kicked me out of the house also costed me my teaching job... GOOD STUFF... o well no more bitching over what i cant fix... at least i can sleep in peace with out my very own stalker sneeking into my room...

all i wanted was for school to start... YAY SCHOOL right?... WORNG!!!!!! i hate it more then ever... i dont feel like im learning anything... i feel that im just wasting my time and i know for a fact that im not alone because all of the students in the el ed program pretty much feel the same way... none of the professors can seem to get their shit together... im taking classes where all my professors are supposed to work together and they dont so then the teacher is stupid enough to tell the whole class that he/she has no clue whats going on... and here is my fav part.... that we need to learn how to be flexible because thats all teaching is about... well ive got news for you we can only bend so far... its so sad that my roomate is taking the same classes that i am and we are learning completely different things and it started out that we loved the idea of teaching and now we cant stand it... so the academic part of school is just abit overwhelming and im getting ready to throw in the towel... i just dont think i can pull any more tricks out of my ass to make it one more semester.

SOCIALLY things are ok... im an active menber of newman club its a chruch group and i like it... i have AWESOME roomates lindsay and meghan are great... and we relly dont see crystal because she is never there which is sad but what can you do...

Part of why im so stressed i think has to do with the fact that im working 6 days a week... and have class monday through friday... and it pertty much sucks but i have to do it because i dont want big brother joe to worry about me and my money situation ...

justin stresses me out as well... and im scared of what hes doing out there might get him in trouble and i hate that being on my mind... so im thinking that i can put school on the back burner and just be a wife i can find jobs that pay deacent... w/o a degree... i have a good resume.... i dont know its not even mid semester and in completely over whelmed... i just dont know what to do... with the feeling of not learning and money stress and justin drama i really have no clue what to handle first or how to handle it... and its way too late to change a major ... i just want to cry its too much

9th semester in college
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