its been a long time

May 22, 2006 10:59

Dear Journal,
well school is offically over... i did surprisingly well considering how i felt by the end of the semester... im not saying im a slacker but it didnt feel like i did ne thing this semester... my grades are as follows:
go figuer the one class that i truly did bust my ass on i get a c- in... but i guess thats bound to happen when you have 2 math classes back to back 3 days a week... to be honest im pretty proud of that b+ and c- because we are talking about me here... lets face it i suck at math and my list math class was 7 years ago in PTHS so lets hope that the last math class i have to take in the spring of 07 wont be as hard as these 2 classes...

NO NIGHT CLASSES FALL 06 thank god cuz i dont think i can do that for another semester

i dont know if i mentioned it or not but i changed my coordinate major from english to writing arts... so this semester i put 4 out of the 9 classes i need for writing arts on my schedual... it should be fun

housing issues are over... crystal and i did the lottery and all that good stuff back in april... and we got stuck in EDGEWOOD and we were super mad... so i sent a nasty email to the dean of housing and then called him right after that... i told him i didnt like the ppl he put us with and i most certianly did not like the fact that we were hack in EPA when we requested townhouses... well i didnt think that that tantrum went in my favor so i was gonna have cathy call rowan and bitch about the nastyness of EPA... but apparently my bitching paid off cuz crystal im'ed me last night and told me that we deff are in townhouses and deff have new roomates... how kool is that im super xcited about that

work at dynasty sucks... so... I QUIT!... i havent given them notice yet but i start at MASTORIS thrusday... there is really no buisness at dynasty and i have bills to pay... the money i make at dynasty doesnt even fill my gas tank...

i was gonna march cabs this summer but with my schedual at mastoris i cant and pretty much the only way i could work is if i gave them one day out of the weekend and closed at least 3 nights aweek... so i chose money over pleasure... i am however going to get the schedual for APEX and do most if not all of their summer camps... i sooooo want to march this winter

justin and i are planning on going to tx this summer... hopefully all goes well and i can go... i would much rather go to florida and visit my family but we all know how justins family takes a president over mine so i dont even waste my breath ne more

i am starting my won buisness with in a few weeks... i am super xcited about this... it means more money for me and how can you say no to money... im so xcited bout this that i want all of my friends to do this with me because i know how much they need the xtra cash so i just need to start makin phone calls and take over the world... i cant wait

all in all life is alright... im not burnt out from work yet... i have a good start off at rowan in the fall... i have realistic goals... achiveable goals... and i just know what i need to do... so yes things do sound as though they are going well... but im not going to get too far ahead of myself... im just going to take things one day at a time and try to make each day a lill better then the day b4... i guess ive grown up this past semester...

that shall be all for now

9th semester in college
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