Aug 08, 2004 16:48
(the subject is from Led Zeppelin's Rock and roll just in case you were wondering) Any way it has been a long time just working and that sort of thing oh I did a play it was a very dumned down modern version of a shakespear play called cymbaline. oh this happoned about a week ago but I haven't posted in a while but I am still devestated; Old School burned I almost cried it sucked so bad I got off at two in the morning and I come home to find out my favorite restaurant downtown burned. Damn, that sucked. I might end up working two jobs now one at the Jack in the crack that I have now and one at a before and after school program at an elementary school for the I just wanted to say hi and that I wish whoever is reading this a very productive (defined however you bvelive it to be) and well enjoyed life.