Awards Banquet

Apr 24, 2004 01:06

Yaaay, I just came back from the Awards Banquet. It went fabulously :D I'm so happy about it. A few technical problems and whatnot, but it was to be expected.

I'm really drunk right now. Fuck, I have to work at 8am. Gahhhhh!!!! Kill me now, seriously. Oh well, it doesn't feel too bad right now. I'm actually really happy right now. Probably the result of all the booze and weed, but it's all good :P I'm just waiting till my work suit is washed, so I can throw it in the dryer before going to bed. I really need to sleep. I'm going to be so hungover tomorrow...oh well. I'm drinking loads of water right now, so it shouldn't be too bad.

It's just really nasty serving food when all you feel like doing is puking. + it's uber busy, meaning I have to rush and run and whatnot. It's not easy when you're hungover. I've done it many times before, but I can't do it anymore. It's too hard. Oh well, I guess I'm gonna have to tomorrow. ahhahdksalhg woops, clumsy fingers

I forgot to take pictures at the banquet :P But loads of ppl have pictures, so I'll get to see some. I took some pictures of me and my suit though. But as I said previously, I'm drunk. So trying to get the pics to my computer and then uploading is just too hard for me at the moment. Though I seem completely capable of writing. I've been backspacing like crazy though, I can't type without errors at this moment. Oh well....djgksal hahahaha

K, I shouldn't be allowed to update my LJ when drunk. I'll prolly wake up tomorrow, read this, and be :P Ok, my wash is almost done. I'm off to sleep for a few hours before work. G'nite all!
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