this livejournal business is much better than i thought it would be. i like the little 'cut' things. wow they are cool. XD
thanks to
absonant with the wiked layout that i've personalized abit, but i'll code it later to my convienience. i'm into icons but i have them all in msn 96 x 96 and no good here dammit.
anyway for my like 'official' first post as i don't think that the others count, blends!!
recent. lol lost fan XD
very much a harry potter fan and Hr/R shipper. i'm like so canon.
i don't watch it anymore, but i think they are very cute and i thought the blend came out well and all
anyway i wrote this on my website too.
so i've been terrible the past week. i'm struck down by a mysterious stomach ache that really really hurts. :( i think i have e coli. no, it's not a computer virus. i really don't know why I'VE got it and no one else in my house has. poo. i thought it was something i cooked. but also, i haven't had my period since last year which is really worrying. mum said that when she was 15, she didn't have a period for a year, and there was nothing wrong with her. but you know, medical treatment in philippines kinda sucks. i've taken 3 days off school because i just throw up in the morning. bites. gar. no i'm not pregnant. 5 months? i would surely know by now.
but while i've been ill, i managed to amend my
Live Journal which looks pretty er that the other mess i had. yay! go me! actually, go the person whose template i used. there's a credit there somewhere. if i hav time i'm totally going to change it and make it look better. LJ doesn't look as scary anymore as it used to. before, well still i'm hopeless at it. i don't get it at all. but now, everything is slightly more clearer, yayness. i'm guessing that's going to have to be my icon journal, taking the idea from
Erica who has beautiful icons all on her LJ.
i've been revising anyway, and taking advantage of nice gifts that mom's friends have sent. i have pictures that you have to see, they are cool. so overall, i have been munching on stupidly expensive cakes, popcorn, tea; msn which drained hours out of me last night since i was talking to like a selina record many people (2 people blocked me that night, 3 people added me, 2 added me a stupid conversations, i teased 2 with my amazing music taste and i argued with like 4 with my argument that arsenal are crap. haha, henry sucks and that team is crap despite their final getting into thing....
things to do after gcse:
-sort out site i don't really like the layout, agree with chris- too pink
-prom yay! going by myself, i've explained my reasons plenty of times before
-summer fun!
-work out what i want to be when i'm older
-go america?
-go paris?
-tone body. yes, the flab's comming. i've neglected my shape because of gcse.
-buy a ton of DVDs
oh and a last note: NARNIA! uber uber uber cool. nice!
and my website is