I have 3 finals o Friday which I have only slightly started on so I really shouldn't be doing this. But I am at core, a horrid little fangirl. I just finished reading an editorial at RPGfan. He had pretty much predicted the end of Sony's dominance over the RPG market. At this point, it seems very true. But he makes a statement that it may not just be "at this point" for the PS3. A frightening prospect ain't it? Well, I have my own response to it. If you don't play much games, I don't suggest you try to choke down the following cut (a certain sweetanonymous!)
I haven't been an avid gamer very long so my experience may differ than that of his on watching these trends, but I certainly don't think it as grim as he said. Most RPG companies are developing the games for the Xbox360 exclusive or on ports later. My personal favorite, SquareEnix, is on that boat. They don't know what to do with the PS3, honestly. It's powerful definitely, but difficult to figure out. It's more of a media machine than than the Xbox is a gaming machine. And because the fanboys have always been with the Xbox, you can expect those heavy gamers to go out and buy games more than the PS3 user, not to mention there aren't that many of them compared to Xbox boys right now. That much given by the editor, I can agree with. The PS3 is new, but it needs to pick up its pace. I agree. Personally, I've been frustrated myself about the big RPG titles being exclusive to the Xbox (I'm looking at you, Tales of Vesperia!).
I would like to say that his comparison of the PS3 with the PS2's launch isn't that fair, or accurate to the situation. The PS2 started off with a shitty ass line of games too and that didn't get too much better till a good few years. The PS2 probably picked up faster than the PS3 because it was a natural choice for game companies. The Xbox was new to the market then, but the PS2 had the PS history to back it. But now that's no longer the case, with the Xbox brand maturing. I do keep in mind that games take time to make and develop. I'm going to assume the ones being released within the year have been in development for about 2 years. At the start, even when you consider the platform of a developing game a year ago, the obvious choice would be Xbox. It's got the head start stability. The PS3 had only launched. The crucial period would be in the next 1-2 years.
The Japanese are Japanese after all. They will stick with their Japanese companies. We all know the Xbox is not the console of choice in Japan. This will, at least guarantee a PS3 release in Japan at some point for the big titles. The editor proposed a possibility that companies might released the Xbox version in the US and the PS3 version only in Japan. His example was Eternal Sonata. I'd like to point out that Eternal Sonata wasn't exactly a shining star in sales in the US. It didn't do that well. I can't imagine it sold out or anything in Japan for the Xbox. Releasing it on the PS3 there would make sense, since more of their gaming population are PS3 users. It would boost poor sales. If it didn't do well here in the US, what makes you think the PS3 port is worth doing? Secondly, I would feel ripped off if they did the whole US only Xbox version dealie and do PS3 in Japan. I'm sure I won't be alone. I doubt that's the best move for a gaming company, especially with this emphasis on reaching gamers globally lately. I can't say for sure about all of them but for the big games that really matter.
And while all these RPGs are slotted for Xbox releases, not many of them are released yet. How well those sell on the Xbox could become a determining factor on platform choice in the future. How many RPG fans are Xbox owners is something to take into account. Granted, those may convert. If it weren't for monetary constraints, I reckon I'd be an Xbox owner now.
Times are a changin' indeed. The PS3 now must share games from these companies on the Wii as well, since the GameCube was pretty much negligible in competition last gen. I really don't intend on owning all three next gen consoles. I already own 2 and I hope in the future, I won't be forced to buy the 360 as well. I'm a Sony fangirl after all. I may sound like I'm justifying my purchase and maybe I am to a degree. But I don't want those Xbox fanboys to be flashing their victory penis just yet.
I have been playing Hiiro, just less now that I'm stuffed with readings to complete. I promise more summaries are on the way once I get home.
I was brushing my teeth this morning and suddenly, an idea popped into my head. Absurd. Can I hope that Sasuke's smarter than I think? Is he really Madara's puppet? Or is there a separate, subtle plan under that emo face? Can I hope that he isn't really wasting Itachi's sacrifice? Why am I even thinking about that at 9AM?
I am so broke...and yet, I'm willing to spend $50 on these 5 babies...
Gintama Voiced Chibi vol. 03And If I can get my hands on this Lavi cushion cover
Lavi let me ki-ki-kiss you~