(no subject)

May 22, 2010 01:53

Life with the most adorable boyfriend was pretty awesome. It took him awhile to accept that girls didn't usually work out so great for him but once the defeat was admitted, he found a brand new world of bisexuality that opened exciting new options and future threesome possibilities! Ah, youth was super exciting! Always new things to discover!

Like your adorable boyfriend's bondage fetish.

Oh, that gosh darn exciting youth.

Kida tugged his arms and found they were very secure where they were tied above his head to the bedframe. His legs were free but Mikado was already solidly in between them. While jamming a finger repeatedly into his ass. At least it was slick with lube and every once in a while he would touch him just~ right. A little pause in the harshness to rub or stroke just so. It felt good.

And when Kida felt good, he let it be known whether he wanted to or not. The stifled grunts of pain from the harsh movement shifting into gasps for air. And then there was only that touching right there were it felt the weirdest and best and Kida was groaning and arching off the bed.


He wasn't sure what to think of this development in their relationship, or his sudden introduction to the position of Bottom. What he did know was that it felt pretty damn awesome. Even if that looming boy with short cropped hair had a devious look on his face. Not to mention the part where Mikado was remaining silent. But he looked pleased enough with what he was doing.

Until he stopped.

"Ah, Mikado~ I have an itch, you need to scratch it~" Whining wasn't particularly manly, but no one could really ask him for that considering his position at this point.

And there it was again. And not only that, but he was now receiving a very well deserved handjob. Mikado was good at it. You would think he'd have carpal tunnel from all the internet time, but if he had any trouble with his hands it didn't show.

"Masaomi, you're itchy?" The smile was playful. Maybe.

"I'm soooo itchy a-ah...Mikado, I'm so itchy~..."

Mikado liked watching the way Kida shifted on the bed, the way one of Kida's legs jerking out of some kind of reflex on occasion it seemed. Kind of like a dog getting its belly rubbed.

"Maybe you have fleas."

He grabbed onto of Kida's ankles and nipped it. The yelp of surprise was so worth it. The aftermath not so much.

"I DON'T HAVE FLEAS! This Kida Masaomi is the cleanest man in the entire country! I am as pure as a newborn!"

"Newborns are gross, Masaomi."

"...Mikado, I'm itchy."

"I have something for that."

The something was a lot more lube and Mikado sliding into him.

Having your first anal experience is not actually the most fantastic of times, no matter what Erika says, Kida realized. It burned a little and he was stretched and he was full in a way that was not entirely okay. Not to mention that the most adorable boyfriend turned out to be the most impatient not waiting for you to get use to dicks inside you but thrusting very hard right away boyfriend.

Five minutes later he decided that was pretty okay. Five minutes later being when he already came embarrassingly early.


Mikado stopped mid thrust.

"Did you just call me your bitch?"

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