Aug 07, 2005 22:06
Well back. With a tan.........argh.......Florida was fun but very hot. Cleveland this past weekend was a hoot as well! Thanks to my hosts with the mosts for lodgings and spirits, and one of the most random times ever. WooT! Work tomorrow, big suck, i'd rather stay home and play more Katamari and write more Harry Potter theory but what can you do? I am feel fulfilled and rejuvenated from my quest for mickeyness but with that has brought about a time of reflection. I am forced to face some hard facts about my current life situation and have come to the the conclusion i need a new job, and eventually I need to move. Right now i am starting with a second job, while i search for something more permanent as a full time gig. I've played around with a lot of ideals but I'm still facing the same problems I've had for the past 6 years, the indecision of what i truly want to do with my life. I know I want more than what I'm doing now, and meeting the group of people I met up with this past weekend reaffirms my growing desire for drums. :( For now, I need more work, and much more art in my life. I feel like i've been losing touch with some myself and my love and adoration for the arts. So if anyone has any amazing books, bands, or art they wish to share I am in need of inspiration.
-Pixe Dusted