Did the Google search for "Cassandra Needs":
"Cassandra needs to know the area of her living room."
"Cassandra needs to make a phone call and also to pee."
"Cassandra needs all the ingredients to have a complete batch of party mix."
"For most people in the Oriental dance world, Cassandra needs no introduction."
"Cassandra Needs Help."
"Cassandra needs to be accepted in light of her religion."
"Canada needs dynamic leaders."
"Cassandra needs to start being cooperative, or else she's gone within a few episodes."
"Am I the only one who thinks Cassandra needs some SERIOUS therapy if she's that upset over a friggin haircut?"
"Women are changing, society is changing, and Cassandra needs to change, too."
"First, Cassandra needs a proper soprano voice."
"Cassandra needs all the confidence she can get, because she has clearly been brainwashed with all of her beauty competitions."
"Cassandra needs a knight in shining armor--just for one night."
Your Hair Should Be Purple
Intense, thoughtful, and unconventional.
You're always philosophizing and inspiring others with your insights.
What's Your Funky Inner Hair Color? Sillypixie in Electoral College Dropout
sillypixie (Queen Latifah) has made the worst career move of her life. In uncertain terms her cabinet is in tatters, and
spudcrazy, her attorney (Sean Bean), is framed for a crime that he probably didn't commit.
threeofswords (Tom Hanks) hopes for an escape. Never was there a more interesting cabinet. Unless you include furniture.
Mspeel4077 in I Love TrianglesBlurring the line between relaxed acting and lazy performances, I Love Triangles focuses on only three characters: insatiable flirt
mspeel4077 (Lucy Liu), non-conformist webmaster
sucharek (Milla Jovovich), and, if only briefly,
littlelree (Rachel Weisz). Claims of civility not withstanding, they are all forced to meet life's challenges. You heart will open to the characters, but not, like, literally.