So I've been thinking a lot about getting a new tattoo. It started a year or more ago when I saw this poem inside of a greeting card. I think it was a "daughter birthday" card. I copied the poem and have been carrying it around since. Then two things got me going yesterday in planning it. One was a photo of a friend's tattoo. It was the placing that inspired me- a latin phrase drawn right across her upper back with cherry blossoms interspersed. The other inspiration came from my friend Emily's mom. I was telling her how I haven't really wanted to spend time at home the last few days. I'm trying to stay away from facebook and netflix and that leaves me with nothing to do at home relaxing-wise. She asked me if I had any hobbies like drawing and I said I don't draw because I don't do it well. She said "so?" And I was like... hmmm... maybe I could draw something.
So THEN (nail biting, isn't it?) I went to Jessica's house last night with a drawing I put together from a few photos online and Jess has all sorts of fun things like charcoal and finger paint.
All this to share what I made with you :) Also- if you have a better drawing hand than I, I would LOVE to see a different/better interpretation of it. I won't tattoo it on me until it's PERFECT.
The pictures were taken with my cell phone... don't judge.
The tattoo idea is really the top one. I have words that I want to go with it somehow, but I haven't figured that out and I'm not sure what kind of lettering I want- something offbeat and beautiful.