Funny situation of the year,...or not so funny.
My little brother is now almost grown up. Eeeek.
He not only has his drivers license, he has a GIRLFRIEND. Gahhh.
Its funny that my younger sister has a boyfriend, and now my little brother has a girlfriend, and I am sitting here thinking boys still have cooties. Haha. Or enveloped in my own self pitty hating men because of it. Whichever. Eh, happens.
Quote of the day comes from Sam- (even though its not from today)- "OUCH!!!! FUNNY BONE NOT SO FUNNY!!!" Haha.
And I miss the days when my friends and I used to do stupid shit and think it was hilarious. For example the old terrorizing Meijer's bit,...what the hell happened to
good ol' days?? Well even though it makes me REALLY sad, I guess everyone has to grow up sometime,...right?? :(