AHHHH! ARZT!!! BLEW UP!!! AH!!! "There's a piece of Arzt on your dude" AHAHA I love hurley..
Danielle was the one who tried to kill Claire's baby! OMG
Did anyone see when Michael was talking on the phone at the airport, some bald guy got wheeled across in a wheelchair?!?! I SWEAR THAT IT WAS LOCKE! I SWEAR!!!
mmm...sawyer's chest
Ok, but seriously...so, Danielle thought the "others" meant Claire's baby..as in "him"...but really they meant Walt..because I think the others were the people who blew up the raft....
Aaron..awwww, Claire's baby finally has a name..cute little Aaron..awww
Locke..mental Locke..he's going a little Cukoo ca choo..if ya get what i mean! :| Seriously...he was willing to kill Hurley just to open that damn hatch. Grrr...stupid Locke..but i still love him wub.gif
And omg....FREAK..I HATE YOU CHARLIE I HATE YOU!!! *no really, i love you, your so adorable* BUT YOUR SUCH AN IDIOT FOR TAKING THE FREAKIN' HEROIN..next thing he's gonna be feeding it to the baby, for pete's sake..stupid druggie that he is ...i'm really pissed off about that.
But omg...I knew that they shouldn't of shot that flare...stupid stupid stupid *shakes head angrily*
I shall think of more thinks to add..but I can't think of anymore..too angry and my stomach hurts too much...
one last thought..
oh wait..another thought
I absolutely LOVED that they showed everyone getting on the plane..i thought that was so awesome and how Jack gave this little "nod" to Locke and how Sawyer came stomping on the plane, angry as usual..and omg, Hurley giving that flight attendant lady a ginormous hug, ahaha...and that old guy looking away from Sayid just because he's Iraqi! grr!! But i loved it..simply..loved it!