Last night.....

Jun 03, 2007 12:49

Was my baby cousin Kory's 20th birthday.<3
The party was awesome and I had such a good time.
But on the way home, Spencer and I almost got killed by some dumb fuckin fat ass cunt.

So we're driving down Rock Springs Road and for those of you who don't know, that is a very narrow road, with hills and extremely dangerous to try and PASS other cars on.... There were two other car ahead of her, coming the opposite direction that we were driving on.... The witness that was in one of those cars stopped and helped us out. She told that cops (that took for fucking EVER to get to there) that the driver that hit us had been RIDING HER ASS and had gotten in our lane, to pass her up.... ALL Spencer and I saw when we were coming up the hill, were two head lights heading RIGHT TOWARD US. Spenc swerved as much as possible, he didn't want to get in the dirt because then he could've lost control and we would've been screwed. I am so incredibly thankful that God was watching over us. I am so incerdibly thankful that my baby kept me safe.<3

While we were waiting for that dumb bitch to tell the truth, Spenc and I got wrapped up in his blanket and looked around. There was a Cross. Right there. In plain sight. Right infront of us. We both just held each and we're just like, Thank God.

I love you guys.<3
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