Some midterm soul-searching and the best thing in the world.

Feb 27, 2007 01:02

I love it when you have one of those days where you're feeling sort of's not quite warm enough to really rejoice the end of winter, you're tired, bloated, worthless, questioning your decisions and their implications--namely decisions that usualy result in actions that end in locational prepositions (passing out, making out, blacking out, throwing down, throwing up, falling over) or, hypothetically, in your waking up confused, nauseated, and missing your pants, only to be hit moments later with the shocking realization of "Oh, dear GOD, I think I made out with my INCREDIBLY hairy date last night...!" You know...hypothetically.

I digress.

Anyway, you have a day like that where you're so down because you've realized that you've become the very person you told yourself back in Junior High you'd stay away from, because those kinds of people get into "risky behavior" which inevitably leads to syphilis, debt, use of the "F-word", social liberalism, dead puppies, involvement with the mob, flesh wounds, kidnapping, loss of meaningful interpersonal relationships, pus, malaise, dry rot, enslavement, death, or all of the above. But lo and behold, you wake up in your dorm one day only to realize you're not the beacon of good will and morals everyone thought you were ("everyone" meaning, of course, just you...and maybe your grandmother.) A complex of some proportion ensues, naturally, leaving you to wonder just what the hell you're doing with your life, where this bruise came from, and why it seemed like such a good idea to wear those three-inch wedge heels on Saturday when you knew full well those floors at Sigma Nu would be SOAKED. You feel like the only idiot in the world and wonder where you went wrong.

And then it happens that you find it. The best thing in the world.

Proof that you're not alone in your persistent drunken idiocy, or your sometimes overwhelming love for 80s power ballads. Proof not only that not only are you not alone, you're actually in good company. No, you're in GREAT company. You're in great, 6-foot-2, 225 pound, quarterbacking company...because Tony Romo, it appears, has also had an unabashed "Don't Stop Believing" incident. Look, singing Journey in an inebriated state is nothing to be embarassed of anymore--because Tony Romo does it too.

See for yourself.

The other guy is Mr. Belding from "Saved by the Bell." Endoresements by both Mr. Belding AND Tony Romo...singing "Don't Stop Believing" while drunk has never been cooler.

So while you're still not through the whole "reconciling-your-reckless-and-irresponsible-behavior" thing (or the whole "writing-the-polisci-paper" thing), at the very least you can take comfort in the fact that you and the guy who was once considered the future of America's Team have the off-key singing of Journey hits in common. And this is a beautiful thing.
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