Aug 20, 2004 21:25
I think... that my family thinks that the couch in the front room has just grown a rather large, oversized, abnormal lump that occationally moves from time to time. Sometimes they interact with it. Pat tends to take a flying leap and jump on it. Justin plays hockey in that room with Pat and aims at the lump. Zack the cat jumps on the lump and sticks his butt in its face while it tries to sleep.
Other times, and this is most of the time, they ignore the lump. So the lump lives a sad life.
Yes, I AM that lump. This evening I was just flopped on the couch in the darkness and I didn't even get so much as a "Goodnight" from anyone. My mum didn't come and kiss me goodnight. She just put my medicines on the stove and went upstairs.
And so I feel sad. I already feel crappy since all my friends are back at school and doing their own things. I just want to go crawl under my couch and die.